Welcome, Aquaviva Management and Engineering

Aquaviva has professionals with experience in the areas environment, forestry, social engagement, civil and industrial engineering, amongst others, that adds value to the development of your projects.

We invite you to get to know some of our services:

Collection Permit

AQUAVIVA has a collection permit according to the resolution 0521 from May 18 2016, which allows us to carry out studies to collect samples of wild species from the biological diversity. The purpose of this is the preparation of the environmental studies on a national level that are necessary to apply for and/or modify environmental licenses or they equivalent permits, concessions or authorizations.

We have a high rating

We have a high rating in the Uniform Register for Evaluation Systems for the Management of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment – SSOA (HSE) for RUC contractors, which is audited annually by the Colombian Safety Council.


Why choose us?

Collection permit

According to the resolution 0521 from May 18 2016, AQUAVIVA has a collection permit, which allows us to carry out studies to collect samples of wild species from the biological diversity.


Aquaviva Gestión e Ingeniería S.A.S. has been certified with ISO 14001:2004 by the Colombian Safety Council. The ISO 14001 is an international norm which establishes the environmental management system of a company in a way that those environmental aspects can be identified, that can be associated with the development of activities of each organization, which are prone to their adequate management and continuous improvement in future processes. Also, Aquaviva Gestión e Ingeniería has been certified with OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety Assesment Series). The OHSAS 18001 norm is internationally recognized for health and safety management systems in a way that an organization can identify and controls its risks, promoting safe and healthy working environments which allows for a reduction of potential accidents, performance of the law and a continuous improvements of the organizations´ performance.


The Colombian Safety Council has, during its process of continuous improvement, established a recognition of those contracting companies that make part of the RUC® system. This system seeks to emphasize the work and the results obtained by the registered companies and by their employees during their performance of the corresponding laws and norms, and by that way to stress the quality expectations in the working life in Colombia.

AQUAVIVA GESTION E INGENIERIA has received the recognitionRUC® for their management of the issues safety, occupational health and environment due to their rating in the year 2011 and their decrease in the tendency of accidents in the years 2007 and 2011.

Special thanks

We want to thank especially the whole team of collaborators of the Aquaviva family, since your performances, organization and commitment during the carry out of our projects really showed in the audits!

This recognition motivates us to continue in a process of continuous improvement of our management system.

Aquaviva Gestión e Ingeniería, key points as to why choose us.

Founded in the year 2003.

Our greatest strength lies in the experience, human quality and applied knowledge in order to innovate in our offers of solutions.

High technical and human standards, supported by a group of specialists with broad and valuable experience.

Aquaviva has professionals with experience in the areas environment, forestry, social engagement, civil and industrial engineering, amongst others.

Consulting in environmental engineering, safety and occupational health.

We are certified with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and hold a RUC score higher than 95%.